All of a sudden it was 2012. And then D's birthday. Our big girl turned 5. We threw her a party at Menchies. She had a blast. Put 14 preschoolers in a frozen yogurt shop and there's nothing but fun to be had. Teacher Cyndi came to paint faces, Grammie and Grandpa were there and she didn't cry when we sang "happy birthday." It was all good. February came and here we are. How does time go by that fast?! Well, I guess with two little ones, life is like that.
And here we are, on February 26, and our 5 year old has lost her first tooth. I'm typing this before I go into her room to play the Tooth Fairy. She's trying so hard to believe that the TF is real. Although she has said several times that she's just pretend, she's very excited about what she will find in the morning in her room.
Then there's our boy. B has changed so much in 6 months. He is talking. In full sentences. He amazes me everyday. Tonight he said "porcupine" and I just couldn't believe it. I am so proud of him and of us. I met with our case manager and the LAUSD services person last week about continuing speech therapy after his 3rd birthday. There is no way we'll get services because there is no need. After a year of 5 hours a week of various therapies, B is a talker. Our big boy. He's doing great in Hand in Hand and I think he'll do so well in preschool starting with summer "camp" in June. I just want to bottle his cuteness and not let him grow up.
I love my kids so much. And I really need to do a better job of keeping up with this blog. The quotes, especially from B, are priceless. A couple months ago he said, while Kona was in his room sniffing around, "Kona, don't eat my floor!" Priceless. One last thing before I go play Tooth Fairy. The tides has finally changed in this house. My kids can play with each other without us in the room. B can finally sit still to watch a tv show. I can finally make dinner again without thinking the house is going to explode because of the kids. They are growing up. I'm happy and sad. I cherish every moment, good and bad. I just hope I can slow time down a little bit because oh, how it's flying by.
Now, I must go attend to my toothy duties!