Monday, June 21, 2010

Cute-isms and Fathers Day

D: "I am wearing lots of bells!"
She was referring to her undies which had Belle from Beauty and the Beast all over them.

D: "I have a baby in my tummy and I'm going to breastfeed it"
Me: "What's your baby's name?"
D: "Area"
Dad: "As in Rest?"
Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day. It was a nice day. Dad took the kids in the morning to the Farmer's Market and I was able to run errands and get some things done in preparation for the afternoon. One of the things I did was take hot dogs and chips to the local fire station to give them a nice Father's Day too. They were very grateful. We had a lot of chips from the Vons fiasco from the night before (story to follow). So I picked up some dogs to round out the meal. Anyway, lunch was Poquito Mas and then the kids napped. Around 3:30 the grandparents (all 4) came over to join us for dinner. Dinner was a success and the kids had a great time. We actually did too.

Vons fiasco....
I wanted to get Dad a day off and a trip to the MLB Fan Fest in July. I got John to say yes to going with him and then a couple days later he let me know about a promotion that Vons was doing. $20 in Pepsi products would get 2 free tickets to the Fan Fest. A great deal since two tickets were $60! So I went to Vons. Little did I know that nobody there knew anything about the promotion! And it was selected items so I had to go through the check out line twice and then stand with the supervisor for 45 minutes to make it work. I ended up with 4 cases of Aquafina and 4 bags of chips! Thankfully John was home and I talked with him on the phone while dealing with the whole thing. Fortunately, the gift was a success and I look forward to D going and having a fun day out!!

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