Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Fun

This past weekend, Dad had to work and I stayed busy with the kids. On Saturday, B had a sitter while I took D to the dentist for a cleaning. The way it works is that she lays on top of me so that the dentist can clean her teeth. The dentist and hygenist showed her all the tools and let her feel them so she knew what they felt like. She did really well. Whined a little but no tears. A big step up from last year! The dentist said that she had no plaque, only tarter so we were doing a great job brushing. He also said she'd need braces eventually. Something we kind of assumed with the thumb sucking but he said it could be that and genetics, we'll never know for sure. We'll start saving now. I had promised D ice cream after the dentist so I took her to The Habit. It was nice to have some mom/daughter time. Although they didn't have chocolate ice cream, she was pretty happy! Grammie and Grandpa brought dinner over and they helped entertain the kids while we got it all together. After the kids went down, we introduced them to Wii. It was entertaining for all of us! See pics!

On Sunday, I took the kids to meet Melinda and Jasper at the Conejo Children's Garden. It's a great place! Not too stroller friendly, at least for ours, but really nice for kids. A short nature trail led us to a stream where a volunteer showed the kids how to fish for crayfish. I had to be with B so the volunteer helped D. She caught a crayfish but it scared her so much that she cried. Hopefully she'll fish again someday. Besides that and me being bitten by a mosquito. it was a great morning. The afternoon saw a walk for B and Kona and D and I played with flashcards. All in all, a pretty good day.

Yesterday, the whole family went to Underwood Farm. Dad didn't have to work in the morning so we took advantage. It was a lot of fun. We hadn't been since B was about 3 months old. We walked around and saw and fed the animals, had a picnic lunch and bought some produce. The weather was beautiful.

B seems as though his nap schedule might be changing. He's erratic in the morning and is a short napper in the afternoon. I think once D is done with her summer school, I may try to widdle his naps to one a day. I remember thinking several months ago that the day would never come and I would be stuck in the house forever. Well, it could be right around the corner!

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