Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Busy life

Time flies when you have a 4 year old and an almost 2 year old....who keep getting sick! We're finally wrapping up B's antibiotics for the sinus infection he ended up with and D's knee is feeling better. What happened to D's knee? Well, her cold virus that gave her an ear infection settled in her knee. Strange. One morning she woke up and couldn't walk. Fortunately, she is better. We're still awaiting her blood results but because we haven't heard from the doctor yet, we're pretty sure it won't show anything.

B's speech is a slow go. He is progressing but at a snail's pace. He now whispers some b's and p's. He does "ch" like he's trying to speak yiddish. He says "oooo" for more and we have heard him say "pop," "bubba" for bubble and "bye bye." He doesn't seem to repeat it much but at least he's doing it. I'm exhausted with all the therapy appointments but more exhausted with the tantrums and trying to figure out what the heck he wants all the time. Then add in D's tantrums and attitude and I want to run away.

Speaking of running away, David sent me on an overnight to Sacramento to visit friends for my birthday. It was so nice. But so short. 22 hours to be exact. But so nice to be free of of children. I missed David so much though. I can't wait for a day to be with him on an overnight. Someday.

Have to go to bed to pack and get out of here to go visit the central coast for the weekend. Looking forward to seeing Tara and family and praying that B sleeps, doesn't throw too many tantrums and that we have fun.

1 comment:

  1. wow, you are busy and going through a lot. hang in there! esp. with the speech events! i'm so happy david sent you away to sacramento! did you see steph?! i hope she is well and happy. have a fun trip to the central coast. i will send positive vibes your way. we are all, finally well now! we were hit hard with the flu this year -- new school, maybe? not sure... but it's been a rough month or two! welcome back to the blog world. i've missed you.
