Monday, December 20, 2010

Speech therapy here we come!

The case manager from RC came and approved B's therapies. He's going to be getting speech 2x/week, child development 1x/week and then he's also going to be evaluated for OT as well. She thought he might have some sensory issues since he's constantly drooling and he stuffs his mouth with food. There might be numbness or something that makes him not able to feel parts of his mouth. This whole thing is so mind numbing! I can't wait to get it all started though. I so badly want to see improvement. And I so badly want him to stop hitting, biting and pulling hair! He got two handfuls of mine yesterday and it hurt like hell. He does it to D all the time. NOT FUN! The poor kid just gets so frustrated because he can't tell us what he wants or needs. He probably thinks we're stupid because we can't understand him! Anyway, all of this is going to start after Jan. 3. I'm in the process of finding a speech therapist because our insurance covers it and we have to expend our resources before expending the RC's. It makes sense but I swear we're going to go broke over this. Can't wait for that tax return!!

It has been raining since Friday. CRAZY! We haven't had this much rain in years. I think it's supposed to keep going until Thursday. I think we're all going to go nuts. Yesterday we filled the wading pool with plastic balls and let the kids go nuts in the living room. Today the sitter is here and I was able to take B to My Gym this morning. But who knows what the afternoon is going to be like! My folks are coming tonight to let David and I go to dinner. It's been awhile since we've had a date night. I sometimes wonder if I'm going to survive this stage of my life and then I look at my friends who have 3 kids or more and wonder how the heck they do it. I need to remember that my kids are basically healthy and great and I need to stop complaining so much! Ok, going to go now and complain.... :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Making progress

So tomorrow the case manager from the Regional Center is coming to see us. B has had his evaluations, hearing test and tomorrow the CM will come and tell us what we can expect. I'm really hoping from speech therapy 2x/week and child development as well. B does seem to be making strides. He's nodding more, babbling a little more, focusing more on looking at books and sleeping more! He's such a happier kid when he's better rested. He's still biting and hitting and that bothers us so much. Especially because if we tell him to stop or say "no," he just does it more. SO annoying! It has been so helpful to my psyche and well being to have had sitters twice this week to watch him and for me to spend time with D. She is so much fun and so much easier than B! She won't have school for two weeks after tomorrow. That should be interesting. We're going to have help a few days a week even though David isn't working much just to give us some time off. The stress has been crazy and we're so much happier when we get a break. So happy holidays to us! More tomorrow on speech delays...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stressful times

I've been so out of it lately. I haven't written since Thanksgiving. That was like 2 weeks ago! I will do a quick recap.

We decided to have B evaluated for a speech delay. The evaluators came last week. They both agreed that he has some form of delay, both speech and developmental (probably because he doesn't communicate well). They are recommending that he get therapy. We are now waiting to hear from the Regional Center what they will grant us. I sure hope something! He has no words. He grunts. He points. He smiles. He signs "more" and does a few other motions that we understand. He also bites, hits and yells. The boy gets frustrated. And so do we. I have had such a hard time with the tantrums and crying. I have wanted to turn in my mommy card many times in the past two weeks. I just feel like I can't handle it. People tell me it will get better. I really hope it does. Now he has a cold. I took him to the doctor today because I was worried he might have an ear infection. His naps have been horrible. He's overtired. And apparently he's teething which is making it worse. Fun!

On the flip side, there's D. The most amazing almost 4 year old girl. She has been so great lately. So fun! I think that has made my time with B more difficult. I feel robbed that I can't spend more time with D. We've been celebrating Hanukkah all week. She has loved all of her presents. Last night she didn't get one and didn't even ask for one. I was shocked. Tonight during cuddles she recited the blessing over the candles in Hebrew! Knocked my socks off. We made holiday cards for her teachers today and wrote all the words and names herself. Amazing. I'm so proud of her. She still has her moments but she's such an awesome kid! We celebrated the first day of Hanukkah at school on 12/1. I was snack mom and brought Grammie and Grandpa too. I read a story to the class, lit the candles with D and showed them dreidels. I brought latkes of course. It was so fun. Magic moments! Holidays are sooooo much more fun with kids!

I have so much to do. Holiday card, Snapfish, etc. Sick kids, tantrum-y/needy kid, etc. At least David is home more in the next couple weeks because of down time at work. Bad for money but good for my sanity! Last night of Hanukkah tomorrow and here's hoping the kids sleep and B feels better tomorrow.