Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kids say the darndest things

D and I were looking at her baby pictures last night and she said, "I'm so cute I want to hold myself!"

Today at speech therapy, B said "bumpy." He could have said "dog," "cat," or something else but he chose "bumpy." He did say "bye" and "ca" for cat. But it's still only when provoked and the therapist really has to get him to focus. He does this looking away thing that makes me think he has ADD or something. God, I hope he doesn't.

I think I will just focus on the good stuff tonight and go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. bumpy is a pretty sophisticated word for a child who has speech "issues!" just like his mom, never go for the simple stuff -- gotta aim high! :) good for him! and yes, dana, you are so cute -- i wish i could eat you up! they are so cute!!!!!
