Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tough times

So we're all sick. It started on Sunday. B was really fussy and his nose started running late in the day. By Monday, he was a mess. By Monday evening, D was sneezing. I came down with it on Wednesday and David today. D complained about her ears this morning so we took her to the doc and she has a double ear infection. I had taken B on Tuesday because of his cough and the doc thought he might be starting an ear infection but when she checked today, he was fine. I'm so tired of wiping snotty noses! And B just can't seem to stop drooling. I swear it's been going on for over a year. I would not want to take a sample of the carpet at this point. As soon as he stops though, we will celebrate with a carpet cleaning! Anyway, with all the illness, David has been helping me during the day and working at night. No wonder he got sick! Since next week is going to be crazy he has get a jump on things. When it rains, it really pours around here! D's had to miss school. I just hate that. But hopefully she'll be good to go back on Monday. Fingers crossed.


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  3. good thing it's just us reading this -- you'd think i was drunk or illiterate! what was i trying to say? I meant to say she probably got the school germs... and now you are all sharing it... such family love!
