Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Where does the time go?

A lot has happened since last I wrote. Nothing that I will write about here because I don't want to advertise our baggage but I will say that all is fine and the drama is over. Now, back to our regularly scheduled life....

D is enjoying school. Her teachers are fabulous! She has made friends and all seems fine at her new school. Today we went to a fundraiser lunch at The Habit. I'm all for eating burgers to support her school! But I am starting to realize that fundraisers will be a large part of our participation at the school. We just got the magazine drive info yesterday. I do understand why they do it though. The tuition is REALLY low. So I will do my part to keep it that way!

B is walking like a champ. He and D like to "run" and chase each other in the living room. They both giggle up a storm. I hope they always have a close relationship. Sharing is still an issue for D but she had a good day today and I was proud of her. It must stink to have to give up her toys to her little brother who doesn't give them back!

I'm finally getting to the point where I'm tired of breastfeeding. I know there's still some milk left but I think I'm just getting to where I want to be "free." I love B so much and it's usually a relaxing time with him, especially before bed. But he's almost 17 months and I'm just feeling like it's time to move on. We'll see how long it actually takes me to do just that

I looked in the mirror tonight and looked old. The gray hairs were sticking out, I look tired and I saw myself as a tired, old lady. Not good. I need to get together with the girlfriends, get a massage, something. And can the hot weather PLEASE go away?! It's not helping how I feel! Or how the kids feel. They don't seem to care how hot it is but it has to affect them somehow. Ok Fall, you can come now!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, this post sounds just like mine from today -- in regards to the weather and fall! I'm glad all is well -- glad to hear B is up and about with D now!!!! yahoooo!
