Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sick again?

My kids are sick again. And I'm a mess. We thought D was having allergies this past week but she kept complaining about her throat so I took her in today to find out that she has a cold. But before I left to get her from school, B was just a wreck. Clingy, exhausted, crying... Tonight he bawled his eyes out at bedtime. Something he rarely does. My stomach is in knots. I feel like throwing up. I'm on pins and needles expecting him to wake up again. I sat with him for a while to calm him down but he fell asleep crying. He didn't have a temp which is good and we gave him tylenol but the poor kid! D was in great spirits even though she wasn't feeling great. I hope B bounces back quickly. I'm so worried about nighttime. I don't know why. Loss of control, being awakened out of a deep sleep to crying....I'm just not good with it. He's not even that sick! David is home but working but I still feel so alone. And to have to sit here and listen to the monitor in anticipation is just making me more and more wound up. I'm a mess! I need to go turn on the tv. And apparently this is setting off my asthma because I need to take my inhaler too. I think I'm worse off than my kids!

1 comment:

  1. yikes!!! i am so sorry to hear this... just as things were getting better. but i know what you are going through. ethan has been coughing for about 2 months now - off and on. friday night, in the middle of dinner, he coughed then a few sec. later, threw up his dinner! no fever, no warning.. just threw up! and then he was fine... but he cried during swim lessons yesterday, cried when i dropped him off at preschool, and has been very clingy! i am exhausted! but i have to stay up and edit videos! and to top it off. matthew has been waking up random nights with a bloody nose -- we're talking full blown nose bleeds in the middle of the night! ARGH!!!!!! Take care my friend... it shall pass! drink something warm and TRY to relax! XXOO
